6 May 2024, Volume 32, Issue 10, pp. 16591-18440  
137 articles


Equalization of RGB coupling efficiencies of metasurface waveguide coupler by adjusting imaginary part of refractive index

Opt. Express 32(10), 16670-16687 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Correction of the wavelength error in transmission of a full-color holographic 3D image

Opt. Express 32(10), 17012-17027 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Compensated DOE in a VHG-based waveguide display to improve uniformity

Opt. Express 32(10), 18017-18032 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Bending of Lloyd’s mirror to eliminate the period chirp in the fabrication of diffraction gratings

Opt. Express 32(10), 18430-18440 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF